Meet Alana from Baltimore, Maryland
Alana Butts is a legal assistant from Baltimore, Maryland. Her dream was to provide computers and other learning supplies to a small Christian school. The school is housed in the Pleasant Rock Baptist Church in Baltimore. Her request of $5,000 is to pay for kid-friendly computers, tables, chairs, and other art supplies. She says..."The church needs many repairs but the most important is our need for children, our future. I would love to see the children have computers to help them be ready for the real world."

Alana was at work when she got the good news. Her co-worker at the law firm, Karen, made sure Alana was at her desk. Karen's daughter, Shelley, was standing by with a camera so this mom and daughter team was a big help. When Alana got the news, she was screaming into the phone! It was such a fun call to make. Alana later told us that the Pastor's wife was "floored" at the news. We also learned that 30 members of the church prayed for 30 days for a blessing and that this was it. What a great feeling.
Diary Starts Here
July 31, 2009
We heard that they just graduated another class from the Christian school in June. "The computers and furniture continue to work and look great," says Alana. "Thank you for securing the future of the babies."
Also, one of Alana's poems was recently published in Optimal Living Magazine.
March 16, 2009
Alana sent a note to say the church school now has 8 children who are enjoying the new bright, colorful environment. They learn Spanish - it's amazing to see a 4 year old count to ten in Spanish!
October 17, 2008
We got some photos from Alana so now we can all see the new computer lab she gave to her church and all the other great stuff that will benefit the congregation and its children.
July 29, 2008
Alana tells us that everything has arrived. She has taken pictures of the new classroom and also pictures of this year's graduates but still has not gotten the film developed. It is on her to do list. The kids are all on summer break but returning to vacation bible school soon. We look forward to seeing her photos soon.
May 21, 2008
Alana tells us that she's received most of her new supplies and the tables are really cute! Also, the computers have been installed and by next week, all the new furniture will be installed, set up, and shined up! She promises to send photos.
4/04: Jenny wrote... "Alana, these children will benefit for years to come because of you. Congratulations."
4/04: Damon wrote... "Congrats, Alana. Your dream has come true and it's going to make a real impact in your church and community. Your gift will really help the children and spark their future."
4/05: Anthony wrote... "God Bless you, Alana!.... The children of the church will enjoy this new blessing. I'm sure this was awesome for your daughter Kelly to get this on camera. Plus thanks to Karen for making sure Alana was at her desk."
4/07: Terri wrote... "Hi Alana, the kids will never forget what you've done for them. This is truly a turning point in their lives. Also, the power of prayer is at work! Congratulations!"
4/11: Jeanine wrote... "Congratulations! This award epitomizes how wonderful you are! You’ve had your own trials but you still think of everyone else. You’ve been my friend and inspiration for many years now. Thank you! What a wonderful thing for the children. Love you, Jeanine"