Sarah's Photos

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Meet Sarah from Covington, Georgia

Sarah Miller is the children's advocate at a domestic violence shelter in Conyers, Georgia and her request of $6,000 will pay for a new playground for the children living at the shelter. The old one finally broke and Sarah wants to provide a new one that's sturdy and will last for many, many years and through many, many children. Sarah spends her days working with the children who are living at the shelter and with volunteers.

Diary Starts Here

March 3, 2009
Congratulations to Sarah and her husband, Steven, on the arrival of their new baby daughter, Natalie, who was born in October. She's too cute for words!

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September 28, 2008
Well it took a while but Sarah's playground is finally up! They managed to raise extra money last month and finally got the bigger playground they decided on. It was delivered and installed last week and they had a ribbon cutting and party in celebration.

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July 25, 2008
Things are going well with Sarah. Right now they're getting things together for the kids who are going back to school which starts at the beginning of August there! They have eleven kids there now so they've been really busy. They have also decided to purchase a bigger playground than originally planned and are having a golf tournament fundraiser on August 1st where they expect to raise the difference needed for the larger set.

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"We have also gotten a lot of great feedback from people in the community and other local agencies," said Sarah, "and the messages were great! Because of the newspaper article, a company that has helped us in the past, gave us an application for a $4,000 grant, and they were sure we would receive it." If the grant comes through, it will be a fantastic ripple effect thanks to Sarah's efforts.

July 9, 2008
Sarah got the good news this morning when I called her at the shelter. The new playground will be going into a courtyard area and will be used by children up to around 10 years old.

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Sarah will send us more photos as soon as the new equipment arrives.

7/09: Jenny wrote... "Sarah, I can't imagine how difficult it must be for children in this situation and how wonderful that you will provide them with something new and fun and exciting. Keep up your good work!"

7/09: Damon wrote... "Congrats, Sarah. The kids will soon have something fun and safe to play on. Thanks for all you do on behalf of children."

7/09: Vickie Stevenson wrote... "Sarah: Just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your hard work and your kindness to the children at Project ReNeWal. You are a priceless part of a wonderful staff that goes above and beyond to help keep our families safe and happy. Thank you so much for being who you are and for all that you do on a daily basis."
Vickie Stevenson
Executive Director of Project ReNeWal

7/09: M.A. Herrera wrote... "Sarah - I work with your mother in law and she constantly sings your praises. I am so glad you are such a wonderful advocate for children. May God richly bless you and show you favor for all your great works. Have a blessed day."

7/09: Mellanie Tostado wrote... "Congratulations, Sarah. You have truly made a great difference in these children's lives; you have shown them that people really do care about their well-being. I hope they can carry with them what you have done for them and perhaps go out, when they are able, to become somebody else's hero. Take care!!"

7/09: Noemi Minez wrote... "Congratulations, Sarah. Thank you for all your hard work and effort you have given. I know the children will have big smiles. May God Bless You."

7/09: Terri wrote... "You're a kind and lovely lady Sarah, for reaching out to help these children. Congratulations!"

7/09 William Campbell wrote... "Sarah, Thanks so much for all that you do for the children. I am certain they will always remember your time with them as a ray of sunshine during the turbulence in their lives.Your commitment to them is demonstrated as absolute by your every action. We're very fortunate to have you as an intricate part of the Project ReNeWal Team!"
William L. Campbell, President
Board of Directors, Project ReNeWal